Adopción de Romeo (Julieta)
¡Adoptado! el
- Nombre Romeo (Julieta)
- Clase Perro
- Desde 12-3-2023
- Sexo Macho
- Edad 4 años y 11 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 2/2020
- Raza Mestizo Galgo
- Tamaño Mediano
- Peso 19 Kg
- Localidad Cabezo de torres (Murcia)
- ID 3826
Romeo fue encontrado con Julieta, junto con el resto de cachorros en medio del campo. Después de trabajar con él la confianza en las personas es un perro muy cariñoso, le encantan las caricias y pasea genial con correa. Tiene un carácter similar a los galgos, algo tímido pero enseguida coge confianza. Tienen un vínculo muy bonito con Julieta.
¿Quiere que forme parte de tu familia?
English version:
Romeo was found together with Julieta, and the rest of their litter in the middle of the countryside. After working and training with him the trust in humans, he has become very affectionate and he loves strokes and he’s able to walk wonderfully with the leash. He’s got the typical greyhound character, kind of shy but he trust very quickly. He’s got a very special and beautiful bond with Julieta.
Do you want him to be part of your family?
¿Quiere que forme parte de tu familia?
English version:
Romeo was found together with Julieta, and the rest of their litter in the middle of the countryside. After working and training with him the trust in humans, he has become very affectionate and he loves strokes and he’s able to walk wonderfully with the leash. He’s got the typical greyhound character, kind of shy but he trust very quickly. He’s got a very special and beautiful bond with Julieta.
Do you want him to be part of your family?