Ficha de Pancho
- Nombre Pancho
- Clase Perro
- Desde 13-5-2014
- Sexo Macho
- Edad 16 años y 10 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 1/2008
- Raza
- Tamaño Grande
- Peso 14 kg
- Altura 36
- Localidad (Murcia)
- Situación Casa de acogida
- ID 61
Pancho sigue buscando familia, el pobre había vivido toda su vida con sus dueños que ya eran mayores y fallecieron. Ahora busca un nuevo hogar en el que vivir el resto de su vida.
Pancho is still looking for a family, he had lived all his life with his owners but they were old and they died. Now he is looking for a family to live the rest of his life.
Pancho is still looking for a family, he had lived all his life with his owners but they were old and they died. Now he is looking for a family to live the rest of his life.