Adopción de Julieta (Romeo)
¡Adoptado! el
- Nombre Julieta (Romeo)
- Clase Perro
- Desde 12-3-2023
- Sexo Hembra
- Edad 4 años y 11 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 2/2020
- Raza Metizo Galgo
- Tamaño Mediano
- Peso 20 Kg
- Localidad Cabezo de Torres (Murcia)
- ID 3827
Julieta fue recogida junto a su camada de mes y medio, estaban en medio del campo y enseguida aparecieron un macho y tres cachorros de 5 meses con ella. Después de trabajar la confianza en las personas y estar todos su cachorros adoptados está preparada para encontrar su familia. Es una super mamá, buena en casa, se pasa las horas durmiendo en el sofá, pasea genial con correa, es algo tímida todavía con las personas pero cada vez confía más. Tiene un vínculo muy bonito con Romeo.
English version:
Julieta was found with her a-month-and-a-half litter and Romeo in the middle of the countryside. After working and training on her trust in people and being all the puppies adopted, she is ready to find her family. She is a super mom, good at home. She can be sleeping on the sofa for hours, and she walks wonderfully with the leash. She a bit shy with humans at the beginning, but she is more and more confident. She’s got a very special bond with Romeo.
Do you want her to be part of your family?
English version:
Julieta was found with her a-month-and-a-half litter and Romeo in the middle of the countryside. After working and training on her trust in people and being all the puppies adopted, she is ready to find her family. She is a super mom, good at home. She can be sleeping on the sofa for hours, and she walks wonderfully with the leash. She a bit shy with humans at the beginning, but she is more and more confident. She’s got a very special bond with Romeo.
Do you want her to be part of your family?